Staff Technology Resources

2 months ago

Submit a Tech Support Request
Click the icons to visit our support portal or email us at

Include as much information on support requests as possible. (Device serial number, room number, screenshots, user emails, affected apps, URLs)

EGSD Tech Support

Have an app you want to use?

  1. Visit the website and find the privacy policy (it's often linked at the bottom of the page.)
  2. Read it. Will they collect user data? Will they use it for purposes not related to education? Will they share or sell that data to others? If not, go to step 3.
  3. CLICK HERE to fill out our EdTech Evaluation Checklist to the best of your abilities.
  4. Copy the URL (web address) of the privacy policy. Paste it, along with the name of the site, app, or tool, into A SUPPORT REQUEST  and submit.

Google Account Help

Google Account Help/Basics

Click the ICON OR LINK for FAQs and help articles for your Google account


More Tech Resources

Visit our MAIN TECH PAGE for more linked resources on the technology used in EGSD.

Teachers' Essential Guide to Teaching with Technology

Teachers' Guide to Teaching with Tech

Explore best practices for EdTech with Common Sense Media, a trusted resource for educators.

STaff Phone Quick Start Guides